The hard work to build back

Landscapes of Injustice provided amazing documentation of the Komori properties. The files were hundreds of pages long. They owned two pieces of property on Lulu Island in Eburne: acerage for their house which included a small vegetable garden and fruit trees and the other for a boathouse with rudimentary accommodation for a few renters. They also owned several fishing boats and a packer boat. They would collect fish from other fishermen and deliver the catch to New England Fish Company which later became Canadian Fishing Company. They were forced to sell all their properties for a fraction of their value.

The impact of this dispossession meant that they had to start over again this time in logging and sawmilling. I must say that the brothers were very versatile and could learn by watching and listening which is what their father taught them to do. They carried on working as hard as ever. The physical labour was gruelling. In 2018, my Uncle Joe took my sister and me on a tour of the first sawmill site. There was a dirt road now used by BC Hydro to a station atop a hill. My uncle casually said: “I built that road.” They would bushwhack through forest in order to build a road to bring the timber down for milling.

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