Posted in Sansei

The Future

In the last two years, I was fortunate enough to be able to participate twice online in the Japanese American pilgrimages to incarceration sites. There were 9 weeks of insightful videos, movies and online  experiences of the concentration camps as well as healing circles to participate in.  I shed many tears as I journeyed through...Continue reading

Posted in Sansei

The Present

Question from Tsunagu: In recent years (particularly since the arrival of COVID-19), we have seen a rise in anti-Indigenous, anti-Black, and anti-Asian hate crimes. We see a disproportionate number of racialized people, too, enduring homelessness, criminalization, police violence, and other forms of struggle.   Do you see a thread of connectivity between these conditions and what...Continue reading

Posted in Sansei

How would you describe your relationship to the 1940s incarceration, dispersal, and dispossession of Japanese Canadians?

My relationship to the 1940’s incarceration, dispersal and dispossession has changed,  deepened  and evolved over time. My mother spoke about being  “evacuated” from the Coast and “interned” for as far back as I can remember in dinner time conversation.  I didn’t ask all the questions of my parents that now, I wish I had.  Their...Continue reading

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