Posted in Nisei

Post war life

When the war ended, my family was already east of the Rockies in Winnipeg. The Japanese community was not large in Winnipeg. We all knew each other. After a while, many of my mother’s former neighbours from Mount Lehman and her very good friends left Winnipeg to go to Ontario where opportunities for work were...Continue reading

Posted in Sansei

Post War Life

The Komori’s did not move after the war when the orders to relocate yet again came down. They stayed in the Cariboo rebuilding their lives. I find it interesting that the government did not seem to worry about the many Japanese Canadians who did not comply with official orders as long as they remained outside...Continue reading

Posted in Sansei

The hard work to build back

Landscapes of Injustice provided amazing documentation of the Komori properties. The files were hundreds of pages long. They owned two pieces of property on Lulu Island in Eburne: acerage for their house which included a small vegetable garden and fruit trees and the other for a boathouse with rudimentary accommodation for a few renters. They...Continue reading

Posted in Nisei


Before the war the Arai family owned a dry cleaning business at 10th and Main in Vancouver.  A good friend, John Reid, lived and rented at the Main and 10th property initially. The dry-cleaning business was also rented to several different people who didn’t last very long at the business. At first, Mr. Reid collected...Continue reading

Posted in Nisei

Long-term affect of internment

The internment experience affected my outlook in that for many years after we returned to Vancouver I had this sense of not belonging.  In 1951, the Japanese were not welcome.  As a teenager, I experienced my share of discrimination, mostly name calling but nothing uglier than that. In Alberta, there was some discrimination, but the...Continue reading

Posted in Nisei

Post-war move

My parents were clear on their decision to remain in Canada and chose to move to AB until the restrictions on moving back to the coast were lifted.  We as children were not involved in these family decisions. I was eight years old at the end of the internment. My brother was five years younger, so...Continue reading

Posted in Issei

Return to BC

My family came back to B.C. in 1951. They decided to come back instead of staying in Alberta because there were a lot of Japanese who moved back to Vancouver as well as Steveston and they wanted a Buddhist minister. The Buddhist congregation in Kelowna had an established temple as Japanese in the interior did...Continue reading

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